Coldwell Banker Town & Country
Cheryl Niemiec, Coldwell Banker Town & CountryPhone: (248) 820-7456

Tag: Sustainability

Is It Cost-Effective to Add Solar Panels to Your Home?
Posted on 05/28/2022
Is It Cost-Effective to Add Solar Panels to Your Home?
For many years, homeowners have wanted to transition to sustainable energy, but found the upfront costs were not necessarily offset by the return on investment. Although many feel it's wise to convert to sustainable energy sources to protect the environment, homeowners dealing with sometimes tight budgets need to make cost-effective home improvement decisions. That's why checking in periodically...
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3 Ways Homeowners Can Reduce Reliance on Municipal Resources
Posted on 12/18/2021
3 Ways Homeowners Can Reduce Reliance on Municipal Resources
According to data generated by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average monthly electric bill increased from to $115 monthly even though usage has steadily declined during the last 10 years. The hard data compiled in 2019 shows that some states enjoy monthly utility bills as low as $76 while others suffer costs as high as $168....
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